Military acronyms

AD Active Duty
AMPMC America’s Most Prepared Military Community
ARC American Red Cross
ASW Anti Submarine Warfare
AWOL Absent Without Leave

BOQ Bachelor Officers Quarters
BAH Basic Allowance For Housing
BCNR Board for Correction of Navy Records

BRAC Base Realignment and Closure 
BUMED Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
BUPERS Bureau of Naval Personnel

CBH Combined Bachelor Housing
CDC Child Development Center
CINCLANTFLT Commander in Chief, US Atlantic Fleet
CINCPACFLT Commander in Chief, US Pacific Fleet
CMD Command

CMDCM Command Master Chief
CNET Chief of Naval Education and Training
CNO Chief of Naval Operations

CNIC Commander, Navy Installations Command
CO Commanding Officer
COB Chief of the Boat
COLA Cost of Living Allowance
COMNAVSEASYSCOM Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
COMSEC Communications Security
COMSUBLANT Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic
COMSUBPAC Commander, Submarine Force Pacific

COMSUBRON Commander Submarine Squadron
CONUS Continental United States
COW Chief of the Watch
CMC Command Master Chief

CNOCM Chief Naval Operations Master Chief
CNRMA Commander Navy Region Mid Atlantic
CNRMW Commander Navy Region Mid West
CNRNW Commander Navy Region North West
CNRSE Commander Navy Region South East
CNRSW Commander Navy Region South West
CPO Chief Petty Officer

CSO Chief Staff Officer
CVBG Aircraft Carrier Battle Group

DASO Demonstration and Shakedown Operation
DDP Delta Dental Plan
DDS Direct Deposit System
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Systems
DITY Do It Yourself move
DJMS Defense Joint Military Pay System
DLA Dislocation Allowance
DNR Director, Naval Reactors
DO Duty Officer
DOB Date of Birth
DOD Department of Defense

DON Department of the Navy
DOR Date of Rank
DSRV Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle
DTG Date Time Group

DV Domestic Violence

EAB Emergency Air Breathing system.
EAOS Expiration of Active Obligated Service
EDVR Enlisted Distribution Verification Report
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EOOW Engineering Officer of the Watch
EOM End of Month
EOY End of Year

FBM Fleet Ballistic Missile submarine
FFSP Fleet and Family Support Program
FICA Federal Insurance Contribution Act
FIT Federal Income Tax
FITW Federal Income Tax Withholding
FPO Fleet Post Office
FSA Family Separation Allowance
FY Fiscal Year
FYTD Fiscal Year To Date
FYI For Your Information

GMT General Military Training

HDIP Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay
HHG Household Goods
HOR Home of Record
HQ Headquarters

I&R Information and Referral
IAW In Accordance With
IG Inspector General
ITT Information, Tours and Travel

JAG Judge Advocate General
JCS Joint Chief of Staff

LES Leave and Earning Statements
LPO Leading Petty Officer

MCPON Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation
MILSTD Military Standard
MP Military Police

MSCPAC Military Sealift Command Pacific
MWR Morale, Welfare and Recreation

NA Not Applicable
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command
NCIS Naval Criminal Investigation Service
NJP Naval Judicial Punishments

NKO Navy Knowledge Online
NLT Not Later Than
NMCRS Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society

NOK Next of Kin
NOTU Naval Ordnance Test Unit
NPD No Pay Due
NSSF Naval Submarine Support Facility

OCONUS Outside Continental United States
OCS Officer Candidate School
OIC Officer-in-Charge
OJT On the Job Training
OOD Officer Of the Deck

OPCON Operations Command Center
OPNAV Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
OPSEC Operational Security
OPTARTD Operating Target
ORSE Operational Reactor Sageguards Exam

PAO Public Affairs Officer
PCS Permanent Change of Station
PEBD Pay Entry Base Data
PERSCOM Personnel Command

PNOK Primary Next of Kin
POA Power of Attorney
POC Point of Contact
POV Privately Owned Vehicle

PPV Public Private Venture 
PRD Projected Rotation Date
PRT Physical Readiness Training
PSA Personnel Support Activities
PSA Post Shakedown Availability
PSD Personnel Support Detachment

QA Quality Assurance
QOL Quality of Life
QTRS Quarters (living area)

R&D Research and Development
REG Regulation

SAM Surface to Air Missile
SARP Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program
SATO Scheduled Airline Ticket Office

SAVI Sexual Assault Victims Intervention
SBP Survivor Benefit Plan

SEA Senior Enlisted Academy
SEAL Sea-Air-Land
SECDEF Secretary of Defense
SGLI Serviceman’s Group Life Insurance

SIQ Sick in quarters
SITES Standard Installation Topic Exchange Service
SITW State Income Tax Withholding
SLBM Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile

SNOK Secondary Next of Kin
SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging
SOP Standard Operation Procedure

SOQ Sailor of the Quarter
SOY Sailor of the Year

SPAO Staff Public Affairs Officer
SRB Selective Reenlistment Bonus
SSN Social Security Number
SUBGRU Submarine Group
SUBRON Submarine Squadron

TAD Temporary Additional Duty
TAP Transition Assistance Program
TDU Trash Disposal Unit
TDY Temporary Duty
TIG Time In Grade
TLA Temporary Living Allowance
TRF Trident Refit Facility
TTAD Temporary Tour Active Duty
TYCOM Type Commander

UA Unauthorized Absence
UCMJ Uniform Code of Military Justice
UIC Unit Identification Code

W2 Wage and Tax Statement

XO Executive Officer

YTD Year To Date

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