This is Grandpa Gust! He was known as a great fisherman! He loved to fish on Burntside Lake up in Northern Minnesota!
Gust Johan Helbacka Born: 17 FEB 1903 in Ely, Minnesota; Death: 10 APR 1995 in Duluth Minnesota.
He married 18 JUL 1928 to Lulu Alina Kultala. They have 3 children. Pat, Myron and Jerry.
Grandpa Gust is 1 0f 5 children born to Elias Heikki Eliass Helpakka and Anna Kaisa Kaatiala. Victor, born: 18 August 1885; Sofia, born: 24 August 1887; Tynne, born: 14 May 1897; and Anna Matilda born: 14 MAY 1897 died: 14 MAY 1897 in Finland. Grandpa Gust is the only child born in Minnesota USA.
Quiet Magic by Sam Cook
Here is a link to the chapter about my Grandpa Gust!
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